2020 Bill McCart Volunteer of the Year - Debbie Best
By Carol Weemes, Arlington Animal Services
Posted on August 24, 2020, August 24, 2020

Fascinating is just one way to describe Debbie Best, this year’s Arlington Animal Services 2020 Bill McCart Volunteer of the Year. One example of Best’s unique talents is when she shares her expertise with volunteers and staff teaching enjoyable puppy and cat yoga classes. Best was also a falconer for over 10 years, and she has a pet rabbit.

Best was selected as this year’s Bill McCart volunteer of the year for sharing her time and multitude of exceptional gifts, especially when working with fearful homeless animals. She is skilled and shines in the area of dog socialization training. Best’s nurturing essence provides a calming effect on dogs in the shelter environment, helping them reveal their true personalities for successful adoption into forever homes. 

Since August 2017, Best volunteered more than 417 hours, serving with enthusiasm and a passion for helping the shelter animals, earning her this year’s award. 

As this year’s award recipient, Best shared that she is honored to be chosen, and “grateful for every day she gets to come volunteer.”

The Bill McCart Award was initiated to recognize volunteers that go above and beyond in their service to Animal Services, as did the namesake of this award, affectionately referred to as “Mr. Bill” who served 22 years of dedicated service at the shelter. Special appreciation to the McCart family who honors the memory of the late Bill McCart, with their tribute presenting this award each year.

From left to right: Bill McCart’s grandson Colin Mize, daughter June Nichols, granddaughter Shannon Boyd, daughter Vicki Mize, and son-in-law David Mize
From left to right: Bill McCart’s grandson Colin Mize, daughter June Nichols, granddaughter Shannon Boyd, daughter Vicki Mize, and son-in-law David Mize

Congratulations and much appreciation to Debbie Best, this year’s award recipient!

30 Seconds with Debbie Best

  1. What’s your name? Debbie Best
  2.  Nick name? None
  3.  How long have you been a volunteer? Since August 2017
  4. Where are you from? Lubbock Texas
  5.  What music CD do you like? Eagles
  6.  What’s the last movie you saw? Seabiscuit
  7.  What’s your favorite animal? Golden eagle
  8.  What’s your favorite reality show? None
  9.  What book are you reading right now? None
  10.  Where was your last vacation? Hawaii
  11. What’s your favorite quote or saying? Live, laugh, love
  12. What’s your favorite hobby? Refinishing furniture
  13.  How much time do you spend volunteering per week? 4+
  14. What do you enjoy most about volunteering? Dogs, dogs, dogs
Animal Services, News