City of Arlington municipal offices and facilities will be closed on Tuesday, Dec. 24 and Wednesday, Dec. 25, 2024, in observance of the Christmas holiday.
Residential and commercial garbage and recycling collection will not occur on Wednesday, Dec. 25.
Residents whose regularly scheduled garbage and recycling collection day falls on Dec. 25, Dec. 26 or Dec. 27 will have their curbside collection shifted by one day because of the holiday. That means residents who normally set out their bins curbside for collection on Wednesdays will set them out for collection on Thursday, Dec. 26 instead. Residents whose garbage and recycling collection day is on Thursdays will set their bins out for collection on Friday, Dec. 27. Residents whose garbage and recycling collection day is on Fridays will set their bins out for collection on Saturday, Dec. 28. Residential garbage and recycling collections will resume on their normal schedules on Monday, Dec. 30.
Monday, Dec. 23
- Arlington Convention & Visitors Bureau, 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.
- Arlington Tennis Center, 8 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Tuesday, Dec. 24 – Christmas Eve
What's Open:
- Arlington On-Demand
- Meadowbrook Park Golf Course, 7 a.m. - 3 p.m.
- Tierra Verde Golf Club and Ventana Grille, 7 a.m. - 3 p.m.
- Texas Rangers Golf Club and Home Plate Restaurant & Patio - 7 a.m. - 3 p.m.
- Lake Arlington Golf Course, 7 a.m. - 3 p.m.
What's Closed:
- Arlington City Hall
- City Office Tower
- Arlington Municipal Court
- All Arlington Public Library branches
- Handitran office and Handitran special transportation services
- Arlington Housing Authority
- Water Utilities South Service Center
- Arlington Convention & Visitors Bureau
- Arlington Animal Services Center
- Parks and Recreation Administrative Office
- Arlington Tennis Center
- Bob Duncan Center
- Kathryn Wilemon Lake House Event Center
- Meadowbrook Recreation Center
- Dottie Lynn Recreation Center
- Cliff Nelson Recreation Center
- The Beacon Recreation Center
- East Library and Recreation Center
- Elzie Odom Athletic Center
Wednesday, Dec. 25
What's Closed:
- Arlington City Hall
- City Office Tower
- Arlington Municipal Court
- All Arlington Public Library branches
- Handitran office and Handitran special transportation services
- Arlington On-Demand
- Arlington Housing Authority
- Water Utilities South Service Center
- Arlington Convention & Visitors Bureau
- Arlington Animal Services Center
- Parks and Recreation Administrative Office
- Arlington Tennis Center
- Meadowbrook Park Golf Course
- Tierra Verde Golf Club and Ventana Grille
- Texas Rangers Golf Club and Home Plate Restaurant & Patio
- Lake Arlington Golf Course
- Bob Duncan Center
- Kathryn Wilemon Lake House Event Center
- Meadowbrook Recreation Center
- Dottie Lynn Recreation Center
- Cliff Nelson Recreation Center
- The Beacon Recreation Center
- East Library and Recreation Center
- Elzie Odom Athletic Center
Holiday Garbage and Recycling Schedule: Garbage and recycling will not be picked up New Year’s Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas.
News, Government, Fire, Police, Streets, Animal Services, Transportation, Parks & Recreation, Library, Water Utilities, Municipal Court, Public Safety, Environment, Headlines