National Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated annually from September 15 to October 15. This month honors the contributions and influence of Hispanic Americans in history, culture, and achievements.
The Hispanic community is full of diverse and vibrant traditions and histories. Learn more about Hispanic Heritage Month or check out book recommendations from our librarians here.
The Arlington Public Library invites the community to recognize Hispanic Heritage Month with a series of programs.
La Importancia de la Salud Mental
Thursday, September 14, 6 – 7 p.m., George W. Hawkes Downtown Library. Learn about mental health, what it is, and why keeping your mind healthy is so important.
Aprenda sobre la salud mental, qué es y por qué es tan importante que su mente esté saludable.
Spice Club: The 4 C’s of Mexican Cooking
Saturday, September 16, Noon – 1 p.m., Southeast Branch. Let's spice it up for Hispanic Heritage Month with the 4 C's of Mexican cooking: Cayenne, Cumin, Coriander, and Chili Powder! Learn different ways to spice things up in your kitchen.
Hispanic Genealogy Research: Descubre a tus antepasados
Tuesday, September 26, 7 - 8 PM, George W. Hawkes Downtown Library. Come learn how to research your Hispanic Heritage.
¡Venga a aprender como investigar su herencia hispana!
Cerebro Sano
Wednesday, September 27, 11 a.m. – Noon, Woodland West Branch. This program is open to anyone who wants to age independently and with a healthy brain.
Cerebro Sano está abierto a cualquier persona que quiera envejecer de forma independiente ¡Y con un cerebro sano!
Sus finanzas: ¡Crédito y más!
Thursday, September 28, 6 – 7 p.m., East Library and Recreation. Learn how to maximize your finances. Learn about credit, loans, and more.
Aprenda còmo maximizar sus finanzas. Obtenga infromaciòn sobre crèdito, prèstamos y màs.
Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration
Saturday, October 7, Noon – 2 p.m., George W. Hawkes Downtown Library. Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with us! Enjoy dance performances, music, and crafts.
Celebre la herencia con nosotros! Disfrute de espactàculos de danza, mùsica y manualidades.
The library has a variety of resources available to the community. All Arlington, Mansfield, and Pantego residents are invited to get a free library card and receive full access to our entire collection. Patrons can also book a one-on-one appointment with a librarian for help with resumes, ebooks, research and more.
There are also opportunities to further education with our Adult Education team. The Arlington Public Library, in conjunction with Workforce Solutions of Tarrant County, offers classes to help you learn English, finish your high school diploma, find a better job, or learn a new skill.
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