White Mistflower

Location: Cottage Garden Design


  • Common Name: Fragrant Mist Flower
  • Botanical Name: Ageratina havanensis      
  • AKA: Shrubby White Mistflower, White Boneset, White Shrub Mistflower, Havana Snakeroot

Description: Havana snakeroot or mistflower is a rounded shrub, 2-6 ft. tall, with many much-branched stems arising from the base. Leaf blades triangular to roughly ovate or narrower, up to 3 inches long, with 3 main veins; margins wavy to coarsely toothed, tip pointed, and the base broadly tapered to almost perpendicular. Opposite leaves hang from fairly long leaf stalks. Prolific, long-lasting, fragrant, pinkish-white flowers occur in fuzzy, terminal, ageratum-like clusters. Fruit 1/5 inch long, with a crown of bristles on one end.

Best Growing Conditions: Full Sun, Partial Shade; Medium Water Demand; Dry Soil; Well-drained, rocky, limestone soils

Landscape Use: Fragrance, Moon Garden/Night Accent, Deer Resistant

Wildlife Value: Bees, Birds, Butterflies (nectar source)