Arlington is number one again, and it’s all thanks to our amazing residents. The City of Arlington now has the highest 2020 Census self-response rate for any big city in Texas (over 300,000 in population.)
Arlington’s current self-response rate is 67.2 percent, and there is still time for that number to grow. If you have not yet completed your Census, click here to respond now. Your answers will shape the City’s future for the next ten years. Arlington’s participation level is also ahead of the 2010 rate.
U.S. Census Bureau employees are currently in Arlington following up with residents who have yet to respond to the Census. Workers are carrying government identification and taking precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19 while interacting with the public. The Arlington-area Census office says it is now 92 percent finished counting every resident.
The 2020 Census count is currently scheduled to end Sept. 30.
Click here to see Arlington's current response rate.
Click here to see the 2020 Census response compared to 2010.
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