Officers Serve Up Kindness and Care at Thornton
By Office of Communication
Posted on November 22, 2013, November 22, 2013


Just in time for the Thanksgiving holiday, East Foot Patrol Officers put on gloves and served turkey and dressing with all of the trimmings to about 800 students and their families on Thursday.

This is the second year officers have donated their time in the school cafeteria. The rest of the year, they're in the classroom as reading buddies and mentors.

Thornton Elementary School Vice Principal Veronica Pena said the school is thankful for the relationships they have with Arlington officers.

East Foot Patrol Officers participate in literacy initiatives aimed at improving student performance. Their work in this school is a facet of Project REACH, which infuses caring adults into the classroom to encourage improvement in reading levels.

East Police District Deputy Chief Os Flores joined the effort on Thursday, and thanked all East Foot Patrol Officers for making a difference.

"I would like to thank Thornton Elementary faculty, staff and PTA members who participated with East District Foot Patrol in the mentorship program," he said. "Serving the students here today is an example of our continued commitment to supporting our community and students."

Education, Highlights, News, Police