The City of Arlington's Parks and Recreation Department and Water Utilities Department teamed up to hold the first annual "Grease for Greens'. On Saturday, December 1, 2012, residents were able to donate their leftover holiday grease to be turned into bio-fuel.
A grand total of 135 gallons of used cooking oil was collected during the event. The oil that was collected is set to be processed in a special bio-diesel alternative fuel machine at Tierra Verde Golf Club. From there, the bio-diesel will be turned into clean burning fuel for the course maintenance vehicles and equipment.
"We're very happy with the way this event turned out and are looking forward to holding future events," says Mark Claburn, superintendent of Arlington golf courses, "We collected enough cooking oil to make biodiesel to run our mowers for about a month.'
The generosity of the Arlington community has yielded positive effects on the local environment, as well. Diverting the used cooking oil from pipes prevents major problems with residential plumbing, and with the City's sewer collection system.
If you missed out on this event and still have more than a gallon of used cooking oil that you'd like to see recycled into a good cause, please contact Meagan Fendley at [email protected] or 817-459-5889!
Environment, News, Parks & Recreation