Year of the Horse Celebration Draws Crowd
By Office of Communication
Posted on February 17, 2014, February 17, 2014


There were some very special guests at the Year of the Horse: Vietnamese and Chinese New Year Celebration held held at the Southeast Branch Library on Saturday, January 25.

Jerry Dao of the Vietnamese Culture and Science Association shared information about the celebration with the audience and gave out special red "lucky money" envelopes to children who answered questions. Library staff read books and provided crafts. Displays around the room explained the Chinese Zodiac and traditional practices and symbols of the New Year celebration.

Attending the event was a family who is currently hosting an exchange student from China. They also have a 6-year-old daughter who was adopted from China. A foster father to a child with Vietnamese heritage expressed appreciation for the opportunity to make sure that he experiences his culture.

Mr. Dao received special thanks from the audience and the library for contributing an authentic voice to this cultural celebration.

Highlights, Library, News