UT Arlington Student Wins Prestigious Goldwater Scholarship
By Office of Communication
Posted on April 01, 2014, April 01, 2014


A UT Arlington undergraduate who found her passion studying microorganisms and their role in ecology has been awarded the prestigious Barry Goldwater Scholarship.

Jessica Dawn Stevens, a junior majoring in microbiology and biology, is among just 11 students in Texas named as Goldwater Scholars for the 2014-2015 academic year.

Another student in the UT Arlington College of Science, Emmanuel Fordjour, was recognized as an honorable mention in this year's competition. Stevens is UT Arlington's third Goldwater Scholar since 2012.

"The Goldwater Scholars program is well known for identifying top-flight students with potential to make a lasting contribution to their research fields. Having three students chosen as Scholars in three consecutive years is a testament to the caliber of UT Arlington students and the quality of our academic and research programs," said Pamela Jansma, dean of the UT Arlington College of Science. "We are proud of Jessica and Emmanuel, and of the way that UT Arlington faculty members inspire our students to achieve their dreams."

The Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education program awards scholarships to up to 300 incoming juniors and seniors each year. It was established by federal legislation in 1986 to encourage excellence and fill the critical need for mathematicians, scientists and engineers. Each Goldwater Scholar receives up to $7,500 annually.

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