Arlington Wins “Well Deserved” Leadership Award Presented by UnitedHealthcare
By Office of Communication
Posted on April 09, 2013, April 09, 2013

UnitedHealthcare has presented the City of Arlington and 15 other organizations with the "Well Deserved' award for 2012, an annual honor given to employers who demonstrate an exceptional commitment to helping their employees improve their health and well-being by investing in worksite wellness programs.

Among the 2012 winners, five organizations have won the "Well Deserved' award three times. In recognition of these organizations'long-term commitment to employee health and well-being, UnitedHealthcare presented them with a Leadership Award to honor this multiyear distinction. Leadership Award winners include:

  • City of Arlington, Texas
  • City of Austin, Texas
  • Shamrock Foods Company, Phoenix, Ariz.
  • State of Rhode Island
  • Texas Mutual Insurance Company, Austin, Texas

Launched in 2008, the City of Arlington's Wellness for Life program provides incentives to full-time employees for engaging in healthy behaviors and activities such as preventive screenings, annual physicals, monthly lunch-and-learn seminars presented by health experts, diabetes prevention and control education, onsite weight loss programs, as well as onsite fitness and exercise classes including Zumba, strength training and boot camps. Employees earn points for participating in wellness activities that can be redeemed for cash rewards.

A registered nurse program coordinator works with employees and the Wellness Liaison committee to promote the culture of health by encouraging participation in the wellness offerings. Engagement tracking has demonstrated continued return on investment for the program by comparing claims data of wellness participants with those of non-participants. More than 40 percent of the City's employees are engaged in the Wellness for Life program.

The "Well Deserved' award program was designed to recognize employer customers that have implemented successful wellness programs and to reinforce UnitedHealthcare's mission of helping people live healthier lives. An external broker review panel reviewed and judged the applicants.


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