Mansfield Independent School District (MISD) students Briana Yancy and Crystal Chambliss are dedicated to making a difference in the American Dream City. Between school, studying and active lifestyles, both of these young ladies provide six hours of service to the Animal Services Center (ASC) each week through a new internship program. The homeless animals receive care and human social interaction and the shelter is ever grateful while these students get a feeling of accomplishment along with a dose of pet therapy. Win, win, win!
The partnership encourages students to engage in volunteerism and shelter animals are benefiting as students attain community service hours when they log in and out as shelter volunteers at each visit. Animal Services Manager Chris Huff describes another positive aspect of the program in that the "animals can teach students about emotions, caring and socializing patiently." The ASC continues to grow an amazing range of opportunities to help youth and the shelter pets. Yancy and Chambliss volunteer Tuesday through Thursday each week, unfolding newspapers for the cat condos to socializing and exercising the homeless shelter pets. The setting for the dog socialization area just got a huge boost when it recently received a new play yard with an agility course made possible by grant funding through the Arlington Tomorrow Foundation. The new activity area creates more fun and exercise for the pets and a way to learn more about each animals agility abilities.
"Volunteering at the Arlington Animal Services Center has taught me what I caIl the three s's: socialization, sanitation and success," Yancy shared. The experience can be used as a reference for students to show their dependability and commitment to shelter pets, staff and other volunteers.
Arlington Tomorrow Foundation
Animal Services, Headlines, News