Here are five events you need to know about from Arlington Parks and Recreation in the weeks ahead this fall!
1. Monster Smash
Enjoy a night of tennis, music and refreshments this Saturday, October 22, 2016 from 5-8 p.m. All levels of adults will play short matches and games for prizes. Children can play on the kids' courts for free while parents play.
$10 per person (ages 18+). Preregistration required! Call 817-459-6163 to sign up and for more information.
2. Lake Arlington Golf Tournament
Lake Arlington is hosting a tournament on Friday, November 18 that will benefit Mission Arlington. The registration fee is $55 per player which includes green fee, cart fee, BBQ lunch, keg beer at registration and prizes.
Seven days a week, 364 days a year, Mission Arlington provides food for people in need. Thanks to your continued support, Mission Arlington can continue on the path to ensure that no family in our community will ever have to be hungry.
3. Food Truck Friday Lunch
Arlington Parks and Recreation's Food Truck Friday Lunch series kicks off this Friday, October 21 at the Levitt Pavilion from 11 AM to 2 PM. Every Friday through November 11 will feature a new lineup of food trucks that will roll into downtown Arlington at 11 AM for good times and great food.
4. Martha Walker Park Dedication
Join Mayor Jeff Williams, Park Board Chair Donna Darovich, Council Member Sheri Capehart and Martha Walker this Thursday, October 20 for the Martha Walker Park Dedication (7509 Sharon Lee Dr. Arlington, TC 76001). The park is named after Martha Walker, an instrumental part of the city's success and the first female elected to the Arlington City Council. She served on the city council from 1972 to 1982. Walker helped found the Fielder Museum, helped plan the Fourth of July Celebration in 1974 to 1976 and volunteered in various churches, school and Chamber of Commerce activities.
5. Spooky Swamp
Join us for a gruesome good time at Hugh Smith Indoor Pool's Spooky Swamp this Friday, October 21 from 6-8 PM. Bring the whole family for a fun night of swimming, tricks and treats.
$2.50 per person, no registration or facility card required. Contact Hugh Smith Indoor Pool at 817-275-0513 for more information.
Headlines, News, Parks & Recreation