Arlington Parks and Recreation offers a variety of training and classes for lifeguards. Registration is now open for classes at Hugh Smith Indoor Pool.
Lifeguard Training
Ages 15+ | Hugh Smith Indoor Pool | $200 for 5 classes
Candidates successfully completing the class will be certified in Lifeguarding, Standard First Aid and CPR for the Professional Rescuer. Attendance at all class is required! Times are subject to change. Click here to register with the code below.
Day |
Date |
Time |
Code |
F-Tu |
Nov 18-22 |
4-10 PM |
174958 |
F-Su |
Dec 9-18 |
4-9 PM |
174959 |
Tu-F |
Dec 27-30 |
8 AM to 5 PM |
174960 |
Learning Objectives: Recognize specific characteristic behaviors of distressed swimmers and active and passive drowning victims; recognize aquatic emergencies and act promptly and appropriately; perform equipment-based rescue skills and techniques used by professional lifeguards; recognize and care for possible spinal cord injuries; learn to provide first aid and CPR.
Prerequisites: Must be at least 15 year's old to enroll in the class and able to swim a total of 300 yards demonstration freestyle and breast stroke. Must be able to swim 20 yards, submerge and retrieve a 10 lb. brick, return to the surface, swim 20 yards back to the starting point within 1 minute 40 seconds.
Lifeguarding Review
Ages 15+ | Hugh Smith Indoor Pool | $75 for 2 classes
Candidates successfully completing the class will be certified in Lifeguarding, Standard First Aid and CPR for the Professional Rescuer. Attendance at all classes is required! Times are subject to change. Must be currently certified in Red Cross Lifeguarding. Click here to register with the code below.
Day |
Date |
Time |
Code |
W-Th |
Dec 21-22 |
9 AM to 7 PM |
174962 |
Tu-W |
Dec 27-28 |
9 AM to 7 PM |
174963 |
Learning Objectives: Recognize specific characteristic behaviors of distressed swimmers and active and passive drowning victims; recognize aquatic emergencies and act promptly and appropriately; perform equipment-based rescue skills and techniques used by professional lifeguards' recognize and care for possible spinal cord injuries; learn to provide first aid and CPR.
Prerequisites: Must be at least 15 years old to enroll in this class and be able to swim a total of 300 yards demonstration freestyle and breaststroke. Must be able to swim 20 yards, submerge and retrieve a 10 lb brick, return to the surface, swim 20 yards back to the starting point within 1 minute 40 seconds.
Water safety instructor
Ages 16+ | Hugh Smith Indoor Pool | $235 for 5 classes
Through classroom learning and hands on experience, the American Red Cross Water Safety Instructor Course prepares you to teach people of all ages to swim and to be safe in, on and around water. Participants must be at least 16 years old. Must attend all classes! Class times are subject to change. Click here to register with the code below.
Day |
Date |
Time |
Code |
Sa-W |
Dec 17-21 |
8 AM to 6 PM |
174965 |
Prerequisites: 25 yards Frontcrawl, Backcrawl, Breaststroke, Sidestroke, Elementary Backstroke, 15 yards Butterfly, 1 minute tread and backfloat. All strokes must be performed at Level 4 skill level.
LGI - Lifeguard Instructor
Ages 17+ | Hugh Smith Indoor Pool | $235 for 4 classes
This class is for currently certified Lifeguards who are seeking advanced training to train prospective Lifeguards. Must hold a current Lifeguard certification and be at least 17 years old. Click here to register with the code below.
Day |
Date |
Time |
Code |
Sa-Tu |
Dec 17-20 |
8 AM to 5 PM |
177420 |
Click here to register!
News, Parks & Recreation