The date of the last Feral Cat Sunday for 2018 is almost here. Got feral or community cats in your Arlington neighborhood? Get ready. Get involved. Help make an impactful change.
Interested in participating, but not sure how to trap a cat? Link here to humane trapping information by Best Friends Animal Society to learn about the process and protocols. Traps may be rented from Arlington Animal Services. Trap rental is free for participants that bring a feral cat to the upcoming December 2018 Feral Cat Sunday event.
Event details: This last Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) event for 2018 will be held Sunday, Dec. 16 at Arlington Animal Services, located at 1000 S.E. Green Oaks Boulevard. Cat drop off is between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. and the first 20 Arlington feral/free roaming cats to arrive are eligible for this free clinic. Kittens must be at least three months old and all feral cats must be in a trap.
Best Friends Animal Society awarded $25,000 in grant funding for 1,000 feral cats to receive free veterinary services. In addition, Best Friends provided $45,000 for a full-time TNR Cat Coordinator and $5,000 for supplies and equipment.
As of November 2018, 924 Arlington feral cats have been spayed or neutered, received a rabies vaccination and an ear-tip. The ear-tip helps to easily identify cats that have already participated in the TNR program. Additionally, Animal Services has performed over 300 in-kind surgeries.
The partnership of Best Friends Animal Society, Animal Services, and community participants provides life-saving measures for feral, free-roaming cats in Arlington. Cats receiving the free services are returned to their neighborhoods vaccinated against rabies, and unable to reproduce litters of kittens that may struggle to survive.
This program supports the council initiative to Champion Great Neighborhoods by providing opportunities for community engagement and working partnerships to help reduce the number of feral cats living perilous lives. Engaged residents help make Arlington stronger, healthier, and a great place to call home.
For more information, contact Arlington Animal Services at 817-459-6190, or call the City’s Action Center at 817-459-6777.
Animal Services, News