Residents of Oak Hill were invited to complete a preference survey of two designs & potential locations by December 7. The design option and location with the majority support of respondents will be explored for installation early in 2021.

See larger sized renderings of the designs here

As a result of the October 2020 visual preference survey, the Arlington Urban Design Center developed two sign options for consideration by Oak Hill residents. One is a pole sign and one is a larger monument style sign. Both include approved landscaping around the base of the signs. Both also include the Fielder House logo that is on the existing street sign toppers, as that received a majority support from the previous survey. Neighbors are also able to provide input on the location of the sign. Renderings below show each sign design at W. Abram & Elliott and S. Davis & W. Second Street. If funds are available, signs could be installed in both locations. 

Residents were able to take a visual preference survey, which closed on October 29. The Arlington Urban Design Center is using the results of this survey to design two sign options for Neighborhood consideration.

The City of Arlington received an Arlington Tomorrow Foundation grant in 2008 to complete sidewalks on S Davis Street, add street sign toppers throughout the neighborhood and install an entryway sign. There are remaining funds for the entryway sign which was never completed. The City is working with the Oak Hill residence to determine a sign design and location for installation in early 2021.

For questions or more information, please email [email protected]

Oak HillIn May 2007, staff began working with a group of citizens near UTA on the development of a neighborhood plan for their area. The Oak Hill neighborhood is a 132-acre area located in central Arlington, west of the downtown area and immediately west of the UTA campus. The area is generally bounded by Fielder Road, West Abram Street, Davis Drive and Maverick Stadium. Staff provided professional and technical assistance in the preparation of the plan to a steering committee made up of 19 residents from the neighborhood.

Oak Hill Vision Statement

The Oak Hill area is characterized by its many unique, historical homes, large lots and old trees. Specimens include post oaks, black jack oaks and “O.S. Gray Nursery” pecans. Residents describe the neighborhood as a quiet, safe place to live.

Oak Hill celebrates diversity and its unique heritage. Many of the original homeowners played important roles in Arlington and/or Texas history. Residents practice responsible stewardship of the area’s architectural, cultural and natural environment. Oak Hill’s close proximity to UTA, downtown, shopping centers and medical facilities gives the area a small-town feeling. Residents wish to add more green spaces and preserve the intimate scale of the neighborhood for the future.

Neighborhood Goals

  1. Create a safe environment for families.
  2. Protect property values and enhance quality of life.
  3. Preserve the historic and unique character of the neighborhood.
  4. Strengthen the relationship with the University of Texas at Arlington and the City of Arlington.

Public Participation

  1. The neighborhood submitted a petition to the City Council in November 2006 requesting assistance with creating a neighborhood plan. The petition was signed by 135 families within the neighborhood.
  2. A kick-off meeting was held on May 14, 2007, with the residents of the area. The purpose was to introduce them to the process. Over 80 people attended the meeting, held at the Tin Cup on Abram Street. A postcard notice was sent to all property owners.
  3. A neighborhood meeting was held on August 9, 2007, to get feedback on the proposed goals and strategy statements. A postcard notice was sent to all property owners. The meeting was held at the Central Library.
  4. A presentation about the Oak Hill plan and process was made at the 2007 Neighborhood Summit. Several members of the neighborhood attended and shared their experience with other residents.
  5. A community watch organizing meeting was held on November 17, 2007, at the Hill Gilstrap law offices on Abram Street.
  6. On December 6, 2007, copies of the plan document were hand-delivered by committee members to all residents in the neighborhood. The purpose was to let everyone read the plan and provide comments if desired. A cover letter explaining the purpose was attached. Copies of the plan and letter were mailed to property owners who did not live in the neighborhood.

Steering Committee Activities

  1. Nineteen (19) members, all residents or property owners within neighborhood.
  2. Led planning effort in neighborhood.
  3. Canvassed neighborhood to discuss ideas and issues with residents, coordinated information gathering efforts, and distributed surveys and information to all residents.
  4. Held 8 committee meetings with City staff, hosted 2 neighborhood meetings, and hand-delivered proposed plan to all residents in the neighborhood.
  5. Represented their home street and other streets as needed.


  1. Wrote a neighborhood plan. The plan was approved by City Council on March 18, 2008.
  2. Created unity in the neighborhood through the adoption of the “Oak Hill” nickname by vote of the residents.
  3. Received two neighborhood matching grants from Arlington Strong Neighborhood Initiative. The grants were for street sign toppers and the creation of a neighborhood newsletter and website.
  4. Received a neighborhood beautification grant of $50,000 from the Arlington Tomorrow Foundation. The grant will be used for sidewalk construction and landscaped entryways into the neighborhood.
  5. Participated in the 2007 Neighborhood Summit, held at the Bob Duncan Center.
  6. Conducted a community watch organizing meeting.
  7. Established relationships with the Arlington Historical Society, the University of Texas at Arlington and several local businesses.