Quarterly Neighborhood Leadership Network Virtual Meeting Set for Saturday, May 13, 2023
By Office of Communication
Posted on May 04, 2023, May 04, 2023

An Arlington neighborhood

Have you been looking for a way to get in contact with other neighborhoods in Arlington? Are you interested in starting a neighborhood group in your neighborhood? Have you wondered how your neighborhood can be more involved in the City of Arlington?

The Neighborhood Leadership Network (NLN) is a working group for neighborhood leaders across the City of Arlington to build relationships with other neighborhood leaders, learn best practices for a variety of neighborhood issues and develop a partnership with the City. The NLN is a resource for strengthening neighborhood leaders and providing resources that will empower Arlington neighborhoods to achieve neighborhood and community goals.

Click here to join us for the next Virtual Neighborhood Leadership Network Meeting from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. Saturday, May 13, 2023.

Topics includes updates on Cottage Communities in Arlington, the Meadowbrook Park Master Plan and an introduction to the newest team member in the Office of Strategic Initiatives who has a priority focus on neighborhoods. Visit the Neighborhood Leadership Network website for more information and to apply to join!

The Neighborhood Leadership Network meets quarterly to discuss pertinent neighborhood issues and to learn about City initiatives affecting neighborhoods throughout Arlington. The members of the Neighborhood Leadership Network will also be included in an email listserv for neighborhood-related discussions throughout the year.

All NLN meetings are open to all Arlington neighbors who are interested in becoming more involved with their neighborhood. If you’re not sure where to start, City of Arlington Neighborhood Engagement Program staff will work with you and provide tools and resources to bring your neighborhood together!

More information about the Arlington Neighborhood Engagement Program is available by visiting www.arlingtontx.gov/neighborhoods.

Champion Great Neighborhoods
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