City of Arlington honored with state, national video awards
By Office of Communication
Posted on December 08, 2023, December 08, 2023


The City of Arlington’s Office of Communication was recently honored by state and national organizations for its video work, taking home seven awards in two separate competitions. 

Arlington received four awards from the National Association of Telecommunication Officers and Advisors (NATOA) in their 2023 Government Programming Awards (GPAs). The GPAs recognize excellence in broadcast, cable, multimedia and electronic programming produced by local government agencies.

This year, the department’s five-part docuseries, Journey to Baseball Town, received four awards: 

  • Award of Excellence: Documentary 
  • Award of Distinction: Historical
  • Award of Distinction: Partnership Production
  • Award of Distinction: Editing

The Office of Communication also received honors from the Texas Association of Telecommunication Officers and Advisors at their recent conference: 

  • First Place: Documentary, Journey to Baseball Town 
  • First Place: Partnership Production, Journey to Baseball Town
  • Honorable Mention: Public Education, FY23 Budget Video 

These awards bring the total number of honors Arlington’s Office of Communication received in 2023 to 22 from a variety of organizations including the Public Relations Society of America, the Alliance for Community Media, Texas Association of Municipal Information Officers and the City-County Communications & Marketing Association

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