Metro Sports Fieldhouse Helps Families in Need of Groceries
By Office of Communication
Posted on April 21, 2020, April 21, 2020

Metro Sports Fieldhouse is back in the game. The nonprofit uses sports to help Arlington children live healthier lives. Leaders and volunteers also focus on STEM education and life-skills lessons, to build a better future.

With families practicing social distancing, much of the nonprofit's normal routine became tough to maintain. But that didn't stop Metro Sports Fieldhouse Executive Director Larry Curry from continuing his mission to change lives. 

Curry and the nonprofit recently purchased $100 in groceries and essential household items for six families.

Family members loaded up their carts during a trip to the store and left with their bills fully covered. 

"It's so hard since the pandemic issue came in," said one recipient. "But right now, with all this, I know my kids are going to have more than enough."

Curry said he hopes the kindness currently on display will be part of our new normal.

"If every person in this world took a pay-it-forward mentality, could you imagine where we would be," Curry said. 

Click here to learn more about Metro Sports Fieldhouse. 

Kindness matters in Arlington. When you see a kind act, let us know on social media with the hashtag #ArlingtonStrong or #ArlingtonKindness. You can also email [email protected]

Metro Sports Executive Director Larry Curry with Arlington families

Coronavirus, Support Youth and Families, MyArlingtonTV
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