Lucas Park Neighborhood Partners with Neighborhood Enhancement Team and Becomes Over 3 Tons Cleaner
An outpouring of appreciation was expressed by residents of Lucas Park neighborhood when the Neighborhood Enhancement Team (NET) came to visit on Saturday, June 8. Friendships were made, and partnerships built along with 6,100 pounds (3.05 tons) of debris and waste hauled away.
A total of six residential properties were assisted with cleanup by 15 amazing volunteers.
“I have lived here for 40 years. I have never seen anything like this before in my area,” said Wilton McLemmons. “It is a wonderful program.”
Another resident, on Wolff Drive stated, “I’m going to cry; I live alone and could have never done this by myself.”
The NET initiative is changing lives. It is people helping people. Neighbor helping neighbor and building increased community pride.
“I have not been able to maintain the yard due to working full time and caretaking for my mom. I’ve been trying to get my brother out to help cut the grass, but have not been successful,” said Liza Rodriguez. “The volunteers have no idea how much I appreciated them all showing up today. It is truly a blessing.”
The City’s tool sharing trailer was at the event, with Code Compliance staff checking out 16 different tools and pieces of equipment to assist volunteers with the cleanup.
“I think it’s a great thing for all the neighbors to meet the city officials,” said James McKenzie. “Truly helps the neighborhood.”
Two more residents expressed appreciation for the assistance received – both recently had husbands who passed away – one saying she had been struggling to maintain the back yard and the other resident said her yard has been too wet to mow from all the rain. Volunteers came to the rescue, providing cleanup, removal of large tree limbs and mowing to beautify their properties.
Community partner volunteers are the heartbeat and success of NET.
Special appreciation to City Council Member Long Pham, Arlington Hispanic Citizen Police Academy, David Jackson of Community Advocating for Prosperity and Opportunity (CAPO), Lowe’s of Arlington, Church of the Good Shepherd Methodist, Todd Prather Contracting and all who participated in the cleanup.
The event wrapped up with a block party with over 30 in attendance getting to know each other and enjoying food and refreshments. Jackson with CAPO gave away 70 free books and the city’s Environmental Specialist, Melissa Walker gave away 24 stormwater kits and 28 pairs of gloves.
Click here for event photos.
The NET initiative and mobile tool sharing program serves the entire community. Code Compliance’s mobile tool sharing program will bring the mower or other equipment to Arlington residents, free of charge, and pick up the items borrowed three days later, when the job is complete. Learn more about Arlington’s free tool sharing at or click here.
Is your neighborhood in need of a cleanup? We are here to help. Visit the Code Compliance Cares webpage and learn more about services offered and how to get involved and become part of the NET volunteer team. Together we are making Arlington neighborhoods stronger, safer and a better place to live, learn, work and play.
Champion Great Neighborhoods, Clean Arlington, City Council District 4, Data in Action
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