Learn How to Explore City Data at Arlington’s Virtual GIS Day Workshop Nov. 18, 2020
The City of Arlington invites residents of all ages to learn more about how to access and navigate the open data portal during a virtual workshop that will be hosted Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2020, in celebration of GIS Day.
The 45-minute online workshop, which begins at 9 a.m., will include interactive presentations from Tony Herhold, the City’s research and analytics manager, GIS Supervisor Tom Konzel and Data Analyst Matt Reeves. In addition to learning more about how to use the Open Arlington portal and how the City uses data to create web maps, dashboards and reports to better inform the public, participants will also have the opportunity to ask questions and suggest new datasets to be published online by the City.
Data is behind the City’s decisions both large and small – from tracking which books and materials library patrons check out the most to help guide future investments in the library’s collection all the way to high-tech scans of streets and sanitary sewer mains to prioritize the most critical repairs – to better serve those who live, work, play and learn here.
Please click this Microsoft Teams link to participate in the CIty of Arlington’s GIS Day workshop at 9 a.m. Nov. 18, 2020.
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