Banfield Foundation’s $15,000 Grant, Combined with Community Donations, Provides Life-Saving X-Ray Machine for Shelter Animals
A generous $15,000 veterinary medical equipment grant award received from the Banfield Foundation, combined with community donations, made possible the purchase of a new digital X-ray machine that is saving lives at the Moritz Wellness Clinic at Animal Services.
“We want to give our utmost thanks to Banfield Foundation for their part in helping Arlington Pets Dream Big and creating a more well-equipped life-saving shelter,” Animal Services Manager Ashley Woolnough said. “Life-saving efforts have been increased by this tool.”
The shelter is about to celebrate its one-year anniversary of the purchase of the new x-ray machine. Last spring, at a community fundraiser, Ducky, an Animal Services alumni rescued by Kristie Miller of Respect A Bull, Inc. and the shelter animals painted pictures for the West Main Arts Festival for donations to help with funding for the essential equipment.
“With the addition of an X-ray machine, we can now diagnose the extent of injuries we were only guessing at before. We can confirm pregnancies, foreign bodies, and fractures. Today I amputated the leg of a cat. I knew the leg was fractured, but I ,wouldn’t have been certain of the best location to cut the leg without an X-ray. Now we know that there are no painful bone fragments left. Additionally, rescues appreciate that we can provide an X-ray so that they are prepared for the treatment a rescue animal needs. Being able to post X-rays with their rescue appeal increases the likelihood that the organization can secure funding for appropriate treatment,“ Veterinarian Dr. Azzolini said.
Special appreciation to the Banfield Foundation, Medical Management International, Inc. (MMI), Banfield Pet Hospital, Ducky with Respect A Bull, Inc. and all community partners and animal lovers whose donations are helping diagnose and treat medical issues and saving animals lives!
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