GED Completers Recognized
By Office of Communication
Posted on June 29, 2013, June 29, 2013

The Arlington Public Library held a celebration on June 20 to recognize 17 hard-working students enrolled in Arlington Reads' GED Program. These individuals began taking the class in January as a way of preparing for an upcoming GED test. All the hard work paid off; each member of the graduating class passed all sections of the GED exam.

This represents a wide variety of doors that are now open to them, and we wish each student the very best in their future endeavors. A GED graduate will earn $387,000 more in lifetime earned income with a GED, contribute $60,000 more in lifetime federal and state taxes, and contribute $6,500 more in local taxes.

Of course, all of this wouldn't be impossible without our selfless volunteers who dedicate so much time and care to the students. Their compassionate teaching gives students the knowledge and confidence to pass all sections of the GED exam. Arlington Reads is very lucky to have such wonderful and thoughtful teachers supporting our students.


Education, Highlights, Library