Chat Live With Arlington Police
By Office of Communicatio
Posted on February 25, 2013, February 25, 2013

Have a question for Arlington police? Officers are standing by with answers. The Arlington Police Department is the first law enforcement agency in Texas offering live online chats with officers.

Police say the system could save money and increase efficiency in patrol operations, because chat sessions could alleviate the need to send an officer in some cases.

The system is being staffed 24 hours a day, with officers assigned to front-desk positions at the four district police stations.
During testing, police said, the system provided valuable insight into damage locations during a tornado outbreak last spring. It also led to the arrest of a fugitive from the most-wanted list when a witness recognized a woman from the poster and alerted officers through the chat system.

To chat with an officer, go to and click "Start Chat.' Users can print a transcript to keep a record of the dialogue.


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