Arlington Announces Updates to City’s Current Comprehensive Plan
By Office of Communication
Posted on August 20, 2013, August 20, 2013

With Arlington's population expected to exceed 410,000 people by 2030, now is the time to make decisions regarding its future direction. Arlington's Comprehensive Plan - the city's primary policy and planning document - has served the city well since 1992, but it requires a complete overhaul so that it reflects the Arlington of the 21st century.

The Comprehensive Plan not only sets goals and policies for economic development, land use, housing, education, transportation and environmental sustainability, it provide strategies for implementing them through more specific city policies designed to help us make better, more strategic decisions. Using the new Comprehensive Plan Update as a foundation, Arlington can improve zoning and provide direction for prosperous and sustainable development throughout the city.

"The Comprehensive Plan will outline the direction the City wishes to take in regards to its future development,' said Bridgett White, Assistant Director in the Community Development and Planning Department. "It will assist elected and appointed officials who use it as a guide to decisions and City departments who are charged with its implementation and the update of other plans to conform to it.'

A 26-member advisory committee featuring various internal and external stakeholders is assisting with the development of the Comprehensive Plan Update. The role of the committee is to provide community-based participation and feedback, identify vital issues, and act as a sounding board and review body.

In the near future, Arlington residents will be invited to review a draft of the Comprehensive Plan Update during a public input period. After City staff revise the draft based on resident feedback, they will present the final draft to the Planning and Zoning Commission for consideration and approval, then on to the City Council for consideration and adoption late next year.

Residents can also provide feedback on the City of Arlington's Facebook page regarding the future direction of the city. Each month a new topic will be presented for your input and discussion. For example, topics could include your views on city neighborhoods, addressing the growing population with our limited land availability, protecting our natural resources, or what services should the city focus on in the future.

Visit the Comprehensive Plan Update webpage for more details.


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