The Stormwater Division of the Public Works and Transportation Department is proud to announce work to maintain our infrastructure at three separate locations has recently been completed. The 2019 Maintenance project addressed issues at the following locations:
Maywood Drive (between Thousand Oaks Drive and Hacienda Drive)
- Improved roadside ditch, driveways, and culverts on the east side of the road by increasing the ditch capacity and constructing valley gutters on the driveways to help reduce water flowing across the roadway
Powder Horn Lane (between Wheeler Drive to Harwood Drive)
- Replaced failing flume walls
Mansfield Road at Thames Drive
- Replaced an existing natural drainage swale with a small concrete channel to repair and prevent erosion and reduce the amount of sediment getting into the underground system
Click here for a map of the completed projects.
Stormwater infrastructure maintenance projects included in the annual Stormwater Capital Improvements Program are funded by revenues collected through the Stormwater Utility Fee. Maintenance helps the existing stormwater system continue to reduce flooding around the City. The 2019 Stormwater Maintenance project represents a small portion of the maintenance projects completed through the Capital Improvements Program each year. Upcoming maintenance projects that are being designed right now include:
- Repairing and/or replacing approximately 5,000 feet storm drains
- Repairing and/or replacing approximately 4,500 feet of channels
- Repairing and/or replacing approximately 1,500 feet of roadside ditches
- Replacing various culverts that carry ditch or stream flow under City streets
- Repairing storm drain outfalls to streams where major erosion has occurred
In addition to major maintenance projects, the Stormwater Capital Improvements program also includes the construction of drainage projects to mitigate flooding and erosion. New projects are identified through watershed studies, analysis of the City’s existing infrastructure, maintenance records, and reports of localized flooding.
The City of Arlington’s Stormwater Management Program includes inspection and maintenance of approximately 19,000 inlets, 590 miles of drainage pipe, 820 bridges and culverts, and 90 miles of improved concrete channels. Routine maintenance and minor repairs are not typically included in the Stormwater Capital Improvements Program. Maintenance activities such as cleaning up graffiti, removing sediment and debris from our system, and minor repairs are completed by the City’s Stormwater Operations Division. Click here to learn more about the City’s Stormwater Management Program.
Residents can learn more about roadway, drainage, and water projects currently under construction throughout Arlington using the City’s interactive Street Tracker map. This tool integrates live data so that up-to-date project information is always available.
Champion Great Neighborhoods, Stormwater
News, Headlines, Environment, Public Works