Please note, the information below is subject to change at any time as new information and resources become available.
In accordance with Governor Greg Abbott’s plan to reopen Texas, Arlington Parks & Recreation Day Camps at Cliff Nelson Recreation Center, Dottie Lynn Recreation Center, Elzie Odom Athletic Center and Hugh Smith Recreation Center will start June 8, 2020.
Arlington Parks & Recreation Day Camp is staff working diligently to program a great summer!
We are implementing many changes to Camp this summer as we work toward a new operating normal. We appreciate your patience and flexibility, as you and your child’s safety and health remain our top priority.
Full day camps will be 7 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Camp will kick off Monday, June 8 and will be $125/week or $35/day. We will be operating at a 1 to 10 ratio. This will be strictly enforced. We encourage participants to register online to minimize face-to-face interactions. Advanced registration is required. Payment is due at the time of registration. All field trips, Teen Camps, and existing mini camps have been canceled. Each camp will still swim weekly, it will just look a little different from past summers.
Due to the ratio change and other requirements necessary to safely operate camp, price remains the same, even with field trip cancellations. Campers will still receive camp shirt.
Each camp is designating a camp drop-off and pick-up zone. Parents and guardians should remain in their vehicles at camper drop-off and pick-up.
The designated times for drop-off and pick-up are 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. for drop off and 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. for pickup. Anyone needing assistance with dropping off or picking up outside these designated times must contact the center.
Upon arrival each day, staff will use infrared thermometers to check every incoming camper for a fever. If a camper is found to have an elevated temperature (100.4 degrees or higher), campers will wait two minutes. Staff will retake the temperature with another infrared thermometer. If a camper is found to have an elevated temperature, they will not be allowed to attend camp. The camper may not return until they are fever-free for at least 48 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications.
Camp DREAM is available, please reach out to [email protected] for more information.
“Although Camp may look a little different this summer, we are doing everything in our power to make Camp as enjoyable and memorable as ever before,” said Krissy Crosier, Centers Program Manager, “We appreciate you entrusting your child’s care to us and we look forward to providing a safe space for them to grow and enjoy time with friends both old and new!”
Registration is open. If you need help registering or have any questions, please feel free to call the center you are registering with or Parks Admin Office at 817-459-5483.
Parks staff is working closely with the Arlington Fire Department to monitor and implement a reasonable reopening timeline that complies with Gov. Abbott’s latest executive orders, the City’s Roadmap to Reopen and Recover plan and social distancing recommendations from local health officials and the CDC.
A quick glance at what we are doing to help keep campers safe:
- Designate a separate Day Camp entrance away from the usual public entrance.
- Mandatory temperature checks upon arrival.
Camp ratio – 1:10
- Reducing camp numbers to safely operate within the facility.
- Designated personal item & lunch check-in table.
- Developing camp schedule and activities that encourages social distancing of campers throughout the day.
- PPE is expected to be common among staff and campers.
- No field trips will be held this summer, sorry for this inconvenience.
- Establishing transportation protocol for camps where transporting campers is required.
Coronavirus, Support Youth and Families
News, Parks & Recreation