Arlington Water Utilities customers can now access five months of their billing and payment history, and make payment arrangements, if they qualify, through the City of Arlington’s automated phone system.
In the past, customers have been able to call 817-275-5931 to make payments by credit card or check, check their account balances or speak to a customer service agent. A recent software upgrade to the Interactive Voice Response, or IVR, phone system added new automated features that will allow customers to access past account information and find out when their next billing date is without talking to an agent. Payment arrangements, which can also be made, are within set parameters that are explained in the automated system.
If a customer in the IVR system chooses to speak with a staff member in the City of Arlington’s Action Center, the upgraded software will automatically load information entered earlier in the call into the operator’s computer screen. This feature eliminates repeated requests for account numbers and other identifying information.
“Arlington Water Utilities has unveiled several new tools in the past few months that allow customers to take control of their water usage and be more knowledgeable about their utility accounts. We continue to plan further improvements to increase customer satisfaction with the services we provide,” said Arlington Water Utilities Director Craig Cummings.
Arlington Water Utilities’ Know Your H2O website,, allows all customers to view and compare bills over the past 24 months and compare water usage to weather data to identify personal water usage trends. For residents with remotely read meters, which is more than half of Arlington, the site contains daily usage data in an easy-to-access format.
Customers with remote-read meters can also sign up for high usage alerts in the “Profile” section of their Know Your H2O account. When water usage is on track to exceed the alert limit in a billing period, an email message will automatically be sent to the email address associated with a customer’s Know Your H2O registration. Customers also will receive emails after they have exceeded their alert threshold. Alerts will be sent daily as long as usage is on track to exceed the limit and after the limit has been exceeded. However, customers can stop receiving notifications by logging in to Know Your H2O and changing their threshold alert. Log in to to learn more.
For more information about being water-efficient, visit or
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News, Government, Water Utilities