The City of Arlington is preparing to transition from manual trash collection to automated trash cart collection in February 2024, and residents have several opportunities to learn more about the change before it happens.
Review the website: Residents can visit ArlingtonTX.gov/TrashPickup to learn more about the trash cart transition, collection days, cart sizes, storage requirements and other frequently asked questions.
Request a community presentation: City of Arlington staff are available to make presentations to neighborhood and community groups about the upcoming transition. To request a presentation, please email [email protected].
Sign up to attend the Telephone Town Hall: All residents are invited to participate in a citywide Telephone Town Hall at 6 p.m. on Jan. 18, 2024. Representatives from the City and Republic Services will be in attendance to provide information about the upcoming transition and answer any questions residents may have. Click here to register to participate in the meeting.
Why are we transitioning to trash carts?
There are several reasons that led to the need to transition to once-per-week automated trash collection. About 100,000 households have trash and recycling collection services in Arlington, and there are only two trash haulers with the capacity to serve a city the size of Arlington. Both no longer offer manual collection as an option. Additionally, trash haulers are unable to attract and retain enough workers to manually collect the trash due to the hazards of the job.
Trash carts will enhance the cleanliness of the city by keeping trash contained in leak-proof carts and decreasing the animal and wind-blown litter throughout neighborhoods.
Residents who have additional questions about the trash cart transition can call the Arlington Action Center at 817-459-6777 or email [email protected].
Cart storage requirements
On May 9, 2023, the Arlington City Council approved the updated Solid Waste and Recycling Ordinance.
Carts can be set out for collection between 7 p.m. the day before and 7 a.m. on collection day. Carts must be properly stored by 7 a.m. the following day. When trash and recycling carts are not placed at the curb, they must be stored out of public view when they are not on the curb for collection.
If you have a question about a special circumstance, please email the Code Compliance Department at [email protected].
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