Volunteers Sought for Homeless Count Night in Arlington on Jan. 23, 2020
Take the time to volunteer for the annual Tarrant County Point in Time Count, which includes Arlington, on Thursday, Jan. 23, and make a difference for our community and those in need.
The Tarrant County Homeless Coalition is seeking volunteers in teams of three to five to go out and survey homeless individuals in designated geographic areas in Arlington between 7 p.m. and midnight. The Homeless Count Night is an effort to learn more about the individuals and families experiencing homelessness on any given night in Tarrant and Parker counties.
Click here for more information or Frequently Asked Questions about Count Night.
Information collected helps us better understand the causes of homelessness in Arlington, so we can refine existing programs to best serve those in need. Data gathered also may impact the future amount of federal funding available to the City of Arlington to address homelessness.
This initiative captures a snapshot of those who are unsheltered - sleeping outside - on the street, in a car or abandoned building on the night of the survey. Information collected will also provide important data to update the City's 10-Year Plan to End Chronic Homelessness.
To register, visit www.AHomeWithHope.org.
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