The Arlington City Council voted Sept. 17 to approve the $722 million Fiscal Year 2025 operating budget.
The approved budget, which includes cost-saving measures to taxpayers, focuses on fulfilling voter-approved projects such as opening the active adult center as well as shifting additional funding to public safety, street maintenance and community cleanliness.
During the upcoming fiscal year, which begins Oct. 1, residents will see a one-cent property tax rate increase and increases to the water rate, the garbage collection rate and stormwater fee. This is Arlington’s first property tax rate increase in 20 years.
Proposals approved include:
Public Safety: $212.2 million combined for the Police and Fire departments, which includes a required match for the salaries of 24 police officers funded by a federal Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) grant and shifting 11 police employees and 47 fire employees previously funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to the City’s General Fund. The Police Department is also reallocating previously approved positions to increase the number of police officers on patrol by 32, from 246 to 278.
Animal Services: $89,000 extra for veterinary clinic supplies.
Parks and Recreation: $24 million for the Parks and Recreation Department, which includes installing new cameras and Wi-Fi systems to boost safety in parks and funding to open and staff ACTIV. The voter-approved recreation center geared for residents 50 and up, is set to open next March at 2061 W. Green Oaks Boulevard in west Arlington. Parks will also receive an additional $191,000 for maintaining landscaping and trees on public land throughout the city.
Street Maintenance: $6 million in additional funding for street maintenance, bringing the total street maintenance budget for the year up to $37.4 million.
Community Cleanliness: Creating a new four-person Community Enhancement “Clean Team,” which will focus on issues such as litter and graffiti cleanup, bandit sign removal, burnt out streetlights and unsightly curbs and medians. Arlington is creating this team to focus on high-traffic corridors throughout the city in response to public feedback in the Citizens Satisfaction Survey.
Leaf Collection: Enhanced curbside bagged leaf collection service for residents this fall.
Cost Savings: Implementing measures to improve efficiencies, reducing or reallocating existing resources, and eliminating 22 vacant job positions that will not impact city services to save $5.8 million.
Library: The Arlington Public Library will receive funding to replace furniture at the Southeast and Southwest Branch Library locations and the carpet at the Northeast Branch Library.
Compensation: The Council approved $6.7 million to pay for a 2% raise for all City employees, with sworn police officers receiving an additional 2%, to maintain competitiveness.
Proposed Property Tax Rate
Because of modest tax revenue growth and increasing costs, the Council voted to increase the City’s property tax rate by one penny. Returning the rate to $0.5998 per $100 of assessed value, which was the rate in FY23, will allow the City to fulfill commitments approved by voters and continue services that have strong resident demand, such as public safety, community cleanliness and enhancement and the opening of ACTIV.
The Arlington City Council also reauthorized a variety of residential property tax exemptions, including the largest homestead exemption by state law of 20% of the property value. The City also offers a senior tax freeze as well as $60,000 exemptions for those who are over 65, disabled veterans and disabled persons. Exemptions are also available to surviving spouses of U.S. Armed Forces members and first responders who are killed in action.
Water, Garbage and Recycling and Stormwater Fees
The Council approved a $3.65 per month increase to the City’s water rate for the average residential customer. Even with the 5% increase, Arlington’s water and sewer rates remain among the lowest in the North Texas region.
Residents will also see a 5%, or $1 per month, increase in the garbage collection rate and a 50 cent per month increase to the stormwater rate. In all, the average homeowner will see an increase of $13.50 a month in City of Arlington property taxes, water and sewer fees, garbage and recycling fees and stormwater fees combined.
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