Dinosaur Drive-Thru Experience Open in Arlington Through Jan. 10, 2021
By Office of Communication
Posted on December 16, 2020, December 16, 2020

Drive-Thru Dinosaur Experience

For the first time, Dinosaur Drive-Thru will be offered in Arlington in the parking lot of Six Flags Hurricane Harbor from Dec. 17 through Jan. 10, 2021.

Dinosaur Drive-Thru is a fantastic option for a family-friendly, COVID-safe, activity. The attraction presents over 60, museum-quality and animatronic, dinosaurs that will entertain, engage, educate and amaze kids of all ages.

Visitors remain in their vehicles throughout the entire 45-minute show. Each dinosaur is displayed in chronological order with a very fun and interactive audio tour guide describing all of the interesting facts, and some jokes, about each dinosaur, in both English and Spanish. There is also a free trivia game, with a scorecard, that is played in each vehicle to keep visitors engaged with the tour. The person in the group with the most correct answers, at the end of the show, wins a free official Dino Guru certificate! Tickets are $55 per vehicle, not per person, which includes up to 8 people.

“We are all dads of little kids, and during most of 2020, there’s not much for families to do. We really wanted our visitors to safely experience the excitement of what it would be like to go on a prehistoric safari. Instead of lions and tigers, we’re featuring T-Rexes and Raptors!” said owner Troy Diskin. Jim Wojdyla, marketing director continued, “We have no doubt the kids will love the show, but we really aim to excite the inner kid in the adults too. Feeling the vibration in your chest from the roar of a 40-foot T. Rex should do the trick.”

You can enjoy the tour during the day or try the adventure while the dinosaurs are illuminated at night for an even more realistic experience. The website offers many free downloads including coloring pages for adults, kids and toddlers, word searches and a joke sheet. Tickets and times are also available at www.dinosaurdrivethru.com

Six Flags Hurricane Harbor, Coronavirus
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