Ultimate Dallas Cowboys fan ‘Supercowboy' expresses love for the team through Hispanic Culture
By Office of Communication
Posted on October 06, 2023, October 06, 2023

A wrestler mask, cowboy boots and sleeves are some of the items that Miguel Castellanos wears for each Dallas Cowboys home game. But that's not all, his garage has hundreds of items from his favorite team, that is why people know him as the Dallas Cowboys’ number one fan: 'Supercowboy'.

“In 2016 is when I fully became Supercowboy and start doing it” Castellanos said. “The Supercowboy persona started to go to the games and me thinking about something to wear that represents my Mexican culture and the Cowboys. I am very proud to be Mexican and also American.”

He became a Cowboys’ fan after watching his first Superbowl in 1993 on tv back in California. Now he’s considered is among the top-ranked fans in the nation.

He was nominated to the Ford Hall of Fans in 2022 by Hall of Famer Drew Pearson, not just because he dresses up for the games but also because all the work he does in the community.

“That nomination meant a lot to me, I cried in the video, because they saw what I was doing with the community. I work with different organizations like Boys and Girls Club, Salvation Army, Down Syndrome Partnership of North Texas” Castellanos said.

He also helps with Toys for Tots, back-to-school backpacks, March of Dimes walk among other community activities.

In 2023, he was also selected to call one of the Cowboys’ picks in the draft an experience he describes as “unique and unforgettable”.

“I did the Cowboys walk up there and I take out the card and I read the pick and then I said ¡Y vivan los Vaqueros de Dallas y Viva México!”

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