City of Arlington to Host 2nd Annual Walk-In Community Court Nov. 2, 2023

Do you have unpaid tickets from the City of Arlington, but you can’t pay for them? The Arlington Municipal Court will host a one-day, walk-in event next month designed to help individuals overcome barriers that are keeping them from resolving their tickets and connect them with available resources to improve their quality of life.
The event is scheduled from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 2 at the East Library and Recreation Center, 1817 New York Ave. No appointments are necessary, but pre-registration is highly encouraged.
Click here to select your preferred time to attend.
“We are inviting residents to take advantage of this opportunity to resolve their outstanding warrants, without fear of arrest,” Associate Municipal Judge Danielle Dulaney said. “The Community Court is designed to connect participants with some outstanding resources available throughout our city and county that can make a real difference in their lives.”
For example, some eligible low-income individuals may be able to resolve their citations by completing programs that include obtaining a GED or learning computer skills. Other opportunities include connecting those without a driver’s license or vehicle insurance with the City’s Arlington On-Demand public transportation service to avoid receiving future traffic citations, working with a participating nonprofit to get their pet spayed or neutered and up to date on its vaccines, or working with United Way on receiving assistance in filing their income tax.
Government and non-profit agencies, including Goodwill North Central Texas, Destiny Empowerment Enterprises, Meals on Wheels, Arlington Charities, Legal Aid, United Way of Tarrant County, Arlington On-Demand, the Arlington Public Library, and the Arlington Housing Authority, will be onsite to assist individuals in need. Community resources available onsite will include job placement, GED training, veterans’ services, job skills training, ESL services, food and hygiene products, information about income tax preparation assistance, affordable internet connectivity, and low-cost medical and veterinary services.
Arlington Charities is expected to be on-site to provide free food to low-income residents between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m., while supplies last. Pet owners can also register online at for low-cost, same-day spay and neuter services provided by the Spay/Neuter Network.
Participants are encouraged to bring pay stubs or documentation of any form of public assistance to help determine eligibility. Individuals who are interested in participating in Goodwill North Central Texas’ job placement program are asked to bring two forms of identification with them to the Community Court event.
For more information, please contact the Action Center at 817-459-6777. Click here to visit the Arlington Municipal Court website.
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News, Municipal Court, Community, Headlines