City of Arlington’s Citibot Chatbot Now Able to Communicate in More than 70 Languages

Have a question about trash and recycling pickup, permits, pets, potholes or how to find the closest pickleball court? Citibot, a chatbot available at, now allows users to report an issue or find information about City of Arlington services, programs and ordinances in more than 70 languages.
Users can find the multi-language web chat feature on the bottom right section of the City’s homepage on both desktop and mobile devices. Clicking the icon launches Citibot’s chat window, prompting residents to enter their questions in the language of their choice, including Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese, French and Filipino. From there, the technology service gets to work, delivering answers in the user’s chosen language in just seconds.
Citibot’s text messaging service is also available to mobile users. Residents can start a conversation in a variety of languages by texting Hello to 855-950-4110. From there, they can report issues in the community, such as stray animals, litter, or burnt-out streetlights, or seek information such as how to sign up for a library card, book tee time at a city golf course or reserve a park pavilion for a party. Users who sign up can also receive alerts about city services and events, such as weather-related closures.
Arlington, the largest city in Texas to offer Citibot, launched its partnership with the company in early 2020.
Based in Charleston, SC, Citibot LLC was formed in 2016 with a mission of making cities and counties accessible for all. Bratton Riley, Citibot’s co-founder and CEO, was inspired by the evolution of the conversational chatbot and its ability to help governments be more accessible and accountable to every resident.
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