The Arlington City Council voted Tuesday, Feb. 22 to approve a $160.4 million Capital Budget for this fiscal year, which includes funding to build the voter-approved Active Adult Center.
The annual Capital Budget cycle is part of the City’s multi-year plan to maintain and build out Arlington’s infrastructure, which includes streets, water and sanitary sewer, parks and the preservation of green space, recreational facilities and city facilities. The Capital Budget cycle repeats each year with a bond election every three to five years. Arlington’s last bond election was in 2018.
In addition to the Active Adult Center, capital improvement projects in the Capital Budget include improvements to numerous streets, sidewalks, traffic signals and intersections across the city, as well as for select parks and trails. The City will also begin work on projects such as the design to rebuild Fire Station No. 8 in north Arlington, construction of a new, larger police evidence storage facility and making improvements to the Arlington Municipal Airport. Planned water utilities and storm water projects include water and sanitary sewer main replacements, improvements to the Pierce-Burch Water Treatment Plant and strategic efforts to reduce neighborhood flooding.
Many of the capital improvement projects in this year’s Capital Budget were approved by voters in the 2018 Bond Program. The Active Adult Center, which will be located near the Pierce Burch Water Treatment Plant and is expected to be constructed by late 2024, was approved by voters in in special bond election in 2017.
These projects align with the Arlington City Council’s priorities to Champion Great Neighborhoods, Put Technology to Work, Enhance Regional Mobility, Invest in our Economy, and Support Youth and Families.
Projects include:
• River Legacy Park Trail Replacement – Construction
• Debbie Lane (city limits to SH 360) – Construction
• Mansfield Webb Road (Silo Road to Collins Street) – Design
• Mitchell Street (Collins Street to Perrin Street) - Design
• Fire Station No. 8 Rebuild – Design
• Richard Simpson Park improvements – Construction
• $1.4 million for the annual sidewalk program
• $10.3 million for the annual residential street rebuild program
• $3 million for intersection improvements at nine locations
• $1.25 million for signal and ITS program
• $1 million for park land acquisition (last project in 2014 Bond Program)
• $19.9 million in stormwater-related improvements, including localized drainage projects, stormwater infrastructure maintenance, flood mitigation buyouts and drainage improvements for California Lane, Harvest Hills Lane and Briar Meadow Drive, Bonneville Drive and Greenbrook Drive, Kippers Courts and Jason Drive and Randol Mill Road. These projects are funded through stormwater fees and revenue bonds.
• $47.3 million in water utilities improvements, including $20.8 million for Pierce-Burch Water Treatment Plant, water and sanitary sewer main replacements, and continued expansion of the City’s remote read water meter network infrastructure. These projects are funded through water utilities revenues and revenue bonds.
Residents can learn more about active infrastructure improvements and bond-funded projects planned across The American Dream City by visiting the Bond Tracker webpage.
City Council District 1, City Council District 2, Active Adult Center, City Council District 3, City Council District 4, City Council District 5, Bond Program, Street Construction Projects, 2014 Bond Project Tracker, Arlington Municipal Airport
News, Government, Aviation, City Council, Public Works, Streets, Public Safety, Police, Fire, Parks & Recreation, Water Utilities, Transportation