Tarrant County College Instructor Wins National Chef Educator of the Year
By Tarrant County College Communications
Posted on September 03, 2024, September 03, 2024

Katrina Warner joined Tarrant County College in 2002 as an instructor and coordinator for the Culinary Arts Program.

Katrina Warner has come a long way from her teen days as a dishwasher. She used to clean the plates. Now she puts quality cuisine on them.

Following in her brother’s footsteps, she chose to go to culinary school after high school.

Warner joined Tarrant County College in 2002 as an instructor and coordinator for the Culinary Arts Program. In July the American Culinary Federation (ACF), North America’s largest professional chefs’ organization, named her Chef Educator of the Year.

TCC Southeast President Andy Bowne hails Warner as an outstanding chef and educator.

“To be selected by the ACF is a tremendous honor, considering the caliber of the other finalists. She is committed to helping our students gain the knowledge, skills and credentials to excel as professionals.”

Warner competed with five chef educators from across the country. Her 50-minute cooking lesson featured preparing two plates for the three judges and a 10-minute Q&A with the audience.

Chefs must be certified to qualify for the competition. Warner earned her ACF Executive Chef certification in 2023. Additionally, she received the Texas Chefs Association, Dallas chapter’s Educator of the Year recognition in 2019 and the organization’s Educator of the Year award in 2022.

TCC is certified by the American Culinary Federation Education Foundation Accrediting Commission (ACFEFAC). The College’s Culinary Arts degree holds an exemplary rating, which signifies compliance with all accreditation requirements and excellent management of the program.

Warner considers it an honor to share the knowledge she has acquired from her mentors. She credits them, along with her instructors and classmates, for her success.

“It is vital,” she said, “for food service professionals to train and share all their knowledge and wisdom with the next generation of employees coming into the workforce.”

Related article: Tarrant County College Southeast's Culinary Arts Program Making Dreams Come True

Culinary student Ade Tokunbo calls Warner an exceptional instructor who has taught her so much about cooking. Warner appreciates the praise.

“I always strive to do my best in the classroom,” she said. “My goal is that the students understand the material and are confident in the kitchen and that they will be successful in their careers after they graduate.”

Click here to learn more about Tarrant County College's Culinary Arts.

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