Willow Creek Estates Community Block Party Concludes 2022 for Neighborhood Enhancement Team
By Carol Weemes, Arlington Code Compliance Services
Posted on December 21, 2022, December 21, 2022

The Neighborhood Enhancement Team wrapped up 2022 with a Willow Creek Estates community block party. Residents joined city staff at Bowie High School cafeteria on Dec. 8 to enjoy food, games, social interaction, and to learn about city services.

The Neighborhood Enhancement Team wrapped up 2022 with a Willow Creek Estates community block party. Residents joined city staff at Bowie High School cafeteria on Dec. 8 to enjoy food, games, social interaction, and to learn about city services.

“The Tool Sharing Program sounds awesome, especially to help single moms with broken lawn mowers and it provides the opportunity and blessing of not stressing in times of financial hardship for families – a great help for the community!” said Lisa Rogers, resident of Willow Creek Estates since September 1995.

Rogers, an original homeowner in Willow Creek, raised her children to be good neighbors, teaching them to “Live your best life with the people that God has joined together.” Rogers gave examples of neighbors helping neighbors in this community.

City Council District 3 Representative Nikkie Hunter was in attendance with Code Compliance, Arlington Fire, Arlington Police, Library, and Environmental Services supporting the community. Block party attendees were provided free giveaways and informed about city resources available to help residents.

Click here to view photos from the event.

The Neighborhood Enhancement Team is in planning stages for neighborhood cleanup and block party events for 2023 and 2024. Residents interested in a neighborhood cleanup and/or community block party should contact us at [email protected], or through the Action Center at 817-459-6777.

Champion Great Neighborhoods, City Council District 3, Clean Arlington
News, Community, Code Compliance