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Neighborhood Network News
Let the City know what projects are important to you at two upcoming Citizens Bond Committee meetings, how your neighborhood can apply for an improvement project grant, sign up to receive great health and wellness tips at the upcoming Aging Wellness Expo and learn how to enter and win Arlington’s Block Party Trailer in this week’s Neighborhood Network News.
2023 Citizens Bond Committee Seeks Community Input Through Online Survey, Public Meetings
The Citizens Bond Committee will host two public meetings to gather input on proposed capital improvement projects ranging from streets to new parks and recreation amenities that could be included in a potential bond package next May. The first public meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 12 in the ReBrary Room of the George W. Hawkes Downtown Library, 100 S. Center St. The second public meeting is set for 6:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 14. A recommended project list will be presented to the Arlington City Council this December.
The City has also released an online survey to review the projects and collect citizen feedback of the potential bond projects being considered by the Citizens’ Bond Committee. Take the survey by Sept. 8 to provide your feedback if you can’t attend the meeting. Click here to participate in the 2023 Proposed Bond Project List Feedback Survey. Learn more about the Citizens Bond Committee.
$150,000 Available Through Arlington's 2023 Neighborhood Matching Grant Program
The City of Arlington is pleased to announce another Neighborhood Matching Grant call for projects. Through this year’s program, $150,000 is available to fund improvement projects that will beautify and enhance the public spaces and strengthen neighborhoods throughout The American Dream City.
Neighborhoods can apply for up to $25,000 for their projects, which could include public art, beautification, landscaping, entrance signs, sidewalks, traffic calming or other neighborhood capacity building improvements. Applications are due by Friday, Nov. 4. Learn more and apply.
Get Free Lunch, Great Health and Wellness Tips and Medical Screenings at the 2022 Aging Well Expo in Arlington
Make plans to attend Arlington's annual Aging Well Expo to learn important tips and information about how to live your best life here in The American Dream City. The Aging Well Expo, a one-day event geared for adults ages 50 and up, will be held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 29 at the Esports Stadium Arlington & Expo Center, 1200 Ballpark Way. This free event, organized by the City of Arlington and the Arlington Housing Authority with support from numerous community sponsors, is expected to feature more than 100 vendors, fitness demonstrations, health screenings, housing resources, information on volunteering in the community, educational presentations and more. Participants who pre-register for the Aging Well Expo by 5 p.m. Sept. 15 will receive a complimentary box lunch. Door prizes will be awarded throughout the day.
Click here to register and see more information about the event. For more information, please call 817-277-8091.
Enter to Win Arlington's Block Party Trailer for Your 2022 National Night Out Party
City of Arlington’s Office of Strategic Initiatives is hosting a contest for one lucky neighborhood to win the Block Party Trailer for its National Night Out party on Oct. 4, 2022. Those who are interested in participating are asked to fill out an online form available at this link here. Contact information shared with the City will only be used by neighborhood program staff to alert residents of upcoming neighborhood-related programs and initiatives. The City will draw one winner at random for the contest, which closes Sept. 20, 2022. City Staff will arrange for the Block Party Trailer to be delivered to the winning neighborhood the day before the event and pick it up the following day.

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