Residents Can Avoid Service Interruption With Payment Plans from Arlington Water Utilities
By Traci Peterson, Arlington Water Utilities
Posted on December 29, 2020, December 29, 2020

On Feb. 1, 2021, Arlington Water Utilities will resume delinquency related water service disconnections for customers who have past due balances and do not have approved payment plans with the City.

Arlington Water Utilities temporarily stopped delinquency related water service disconnections in March 2020 to aid residents whose income was interrupted by COVID-19 related closures or health emergencies. Since then, no additional late fees were applied to overdue accounts if payment plans were made.

For residents who are struggling financially, City of Arlington staff members continue to work with customers to connect them with resources for aid and establish appropriate payment plans. The department also has increased communication with customers who have delinquent balances through a series of regular emails, letters, and automated phone calls.

On Feb. 1, 2021, Arlington Water Utilities will resume delinquency related water service disconnections for customers who have past due balances and do not have approved payment plans with the City. Customers whose accounts are disconnected for delinquency will incur additional fees.

If your city services account is currently past due, please call 817-275-5931 to make payment arrangements and/or speak with a customer service representative. Information about payment options is available on the City of Arlington website at

For information regarding assistance with your water utilities bill, please contact community nonprofits Mission Arlington, Arlington Urban Ministries or Catholic Charities of Fort Worth to ask about Arlington Water’s Care and Share payment assistance program. Federal funding is also available for those who need utilities assistance. To find out more information, visit


News, Government, Water Utilities