Levitt Pavilion Arlington to Live-Stream Concerts Every Friday and Saturday Aug. 28-Oct. 18

Changes continue to happen all around us as the COVID-19 pandemic continues, but here's one thing that hasn't changed: Levitt Pavilion Arlington will continue to provide free music in September and October.
The Levitt has been presenting artists through its popular live-streaming Levitt Living Room Series every Tuesday since April 21. The concert venue will continue to live-stream many of its currently scheduled fall artists at 8 p.m. every Friday and Saturday night Aug. 28 through Oct. 18 on the Levitt Pavilion Arlington Facebook page.
The Levitt's opening weekend features the pure Texan storytelling of Max Stalling at 8 p.m. Friday, Aug. 28. Lone Star music icon Gary P. Nunn live-streams at 8 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 29. Nunn is best known for penning "London Homesick Blues," which includes the lyric, "I wanna go home with the armadillo ..."
The fall line-up features top-name artists for everyone to enjoy in their living rooms, including nuclear polka favorites, Brave Combo; Tejano artists, Ruben Ramos & the Mexican Revolution and La Tropa F; country/rock with Copper Chief, alt/country artists from Austin, Mickey & the Motorcars; and a true Texas original, singer/songwriter Bob Schneider. Several of the artists scheduled for fall have been rescheduled for 2021, including The Drifters and Ambrosia.
"We know that live-streaming isn't the same as being on the lawn for live music, but we believe making these artists available for people to enjoy in their living rooms or on their patios is the next best thing and will help us all get through what we hope is the last of the pandemic with the healing power of music," said Letatia Teykl, executive director of Levitt Pavilion Arlington.
For this year's North Texas Giving Day on Sept. 17, the Levitt will live-stream a full day of music beginning at 11 a.m. with the funky, modern soul of Larry Gee followed by a dynamic rock duo, Hannah Kirby and Brad Thompson, at 1 p.m. Americana singer/songwriter, Bri Bagwell, performs at 3 p.m. followed by 2018 American Idol finalist Ron Bultongez. The day concludes with a 7 p.m. live-stream concert by West Texas poet and award-winning country songwriter, Radney Foster.
The Levitt staff wants nothing more than to bring music lovers back to sway, dance and sing along on the lawn. They are working hard with city and county officials on a plan to allow a limited number of people on the lawn for each concert. The Levitt will share which concerts are available to attend in person and how to secure a socially distanced spot in the coming days.
An updated schedule is available on the Levitt's website, levittpavilionarlington.org, and its free mobile app, Levitt Arlington. Concertgoers are encouraged to join the Levitt's email list through their website to receive a weekly email update on Tuesdays called "This Week at the Levitt," which will include the artists and updates for the upcoming weekend.
Click here to see the concert calendar.
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