The City of Arlington’s International Corridor is a welcoming, attractive, and safe place where multicultural heritage is preserved and celebrated. It represents a diverse, walkable, and vibrant area where residents and visitors alike come together with mutual respect and appreciation for its unique cultural experiences.

Complementing other destinations in the American Dream City such as the Entertainment District and Downtown, The International Corridor provides economic opportunity and a high quality of life for a wide range of businesses and residents.

The International Corridor runs along Pioneer Parkway between Center Street and the eastern City limits. In 2023, the City adopted the International Corridor Visioning Effort Report to develop an action plan to celebrate and promote this diverse commercial and cultural area of Arlington.

Implementation Steering Committee

The International Corridor Implementation Steering Committee (Steering Committee) will continue the work on the International Corridor's Vision Document approved by City Council in March 2023. The new Steering Committee will prioritize the remaining plan action items and coordinate their future implementation.

The Steering Committee was appointed in November 2024 by City Council to represent the balanced interests of property owners, business operators, and residents of the area. Their work will complement and support a number of public improvements, economic development, and community capacity-building initiatives already occurring in or near the International Corridor area. Members will meet the second Monday of the month from February to July 2025.

All Committee meetings will be held in The Hall, East Library and Recreation Center, 1817 New York Avenue, Arlington, from 6 p.m. – 7 :30 p.m. and are open to the public. Meeting materials and minutes will be posted for public viewing.

Vision Effort

The City of Arlington’s International Corridor Vision establishes prioritized recommendations to guide improvements in the International Corridor, an area surrounding East Pioneer Parkway between Center Street and State Highway 360. This Vision builds upon significant public involvement and input to determine priorities and recommendations for the Corridor.

Recommendations are built around three topical areas: Improving lighting and walkability, enhancing aesthetics and identity, and building community capacity. The Vision was adopted by City Council March 2023.

International Corridor boundaries map

International Corridor Visioning Effort Report

International Corridor Banners 

International Corridor Banners were placed on light poles in the medians of Pioneer Parkway between Center and SH 360 in September 2023.

Preview of International Corridor banners

Project contact: Cynthia Cruz by email or 817-459-6254

International Corridor Advisory Committee Meetings