The Texas Stream Team (TST) is a network of trained volunteers and supportive partners working together to understand and protect Texas waterways. The program is administered through a cooperative partnership between Texas State University, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. TST coordinates a network of partner organizations and trained volunteers, termed citizen scientists, to conduct water quality monitoring at assigned sites on their local lakes, rivers, streams, and estuaries across the state. Hundreds of Texas Stream Team volunteers collect water quality data on waterways throughout Texas and currently monitor 105 water quality sites in the North Texas region.
The TST program seeks to increase public knowledge of water quality issues and non-point source pollution across the state through water quality monitoring, data collection and analysis, and related educational programs. The information collected by citizen scientists is submitted to a database containing 23 years of data on hundreds of sampling sites maintained by The Meadows Center for Water and the Environment. Visit The Meadows Center for Water and the Environment for more information about Texas Stream Team.
Texas Stream Team Volunteer Opportunities -
- Texas Stream Team Translations
- Texas Stream Team - Water Quality Sampling Volunteering
- Texas Stream Team - Water Sampling Training
TST Workshop Announcement:
The City of Arlington’s Environmental Management Team will be hosting a TST volunteer workshop on Saturday, February 10. Volunteers are needed to help gather water quality data throughout the City of Arlington.
Volunteer Requirements:
- Volunteers complete three phases of training using a test kit that measures physical and chemical parameters in water.
- Volunteers are asked to monitor their site(s) monthly at the same time of day each month, for a one-year commitment. Monitoring takes approximately one to two hours per month per site.
- Participants of the Texas Stream Team Standard Core training must be at least 13 years of age. A guardian is required to be present with minors under 16 years of age. All minors that are participating in any Texas Stream Team event must provide a guardian signed waiver BEFORE the minor can participate.
- Training space is limited, priority will be given to Arlington residents and committed monitors.
Saturday, February 10th, 2024
East Recreation Center – 1817 New York Avenue, Arlington TX 76010
8:30 am – 2:00 pm
Sign up for Volunteer TST training event by visiting
Standard/Probe Core Water Quality Citizen Scientist Training
(6 hrs. plus travel time) max 8 hrs.
Texas Stream Team Standard Core citizen scientists are certified by completing a three-phase training that measures the physical and chemical parameters of water mentioned above. Citizen scientists performing water quality are encouraged to monitor their site(s) monthly at the same time of day each month. Monitoring takes approximately one to two hours depending on the time spent traveling to the site. Prerequisite: Online Pre-Training Course (30 minutes to 1 hour)
The Way of Water: An Arlington Watersheds’ Story
When you walk the path along Johnson Creek toward the Entertainment District or visit River Legacy to birdwatch along the Trinity River, have you ever wondered… What exactly is Arlington’s Water Story?
Freshwater is a scarce and valuable resource—one that can easily be contaminated. Once contaminated to the extent it can be considered “polluted,” freshwater quality is difficult and expensive to restore. Surface water quality concerns are not new, and neither is the desire to protect indispensable resource. The City of Arlington, through its Stormwater Management Program, aims to protect water quality and provide access to environmental information regarding the health of our local creeks, streams, lakes, and rivers.
The City of Arlington Environmental Management has developed a digital platform for residents to explore Arlington’s watersheds. This platform, entitled “The Way of Water: An Arlington Watersheds’ Story” is shared through a StoryMap. StoryMaps combine maps, legends, text, photos, and video to introduce to, and immerse the reader in, a particular topic. By utilizing this technology, the City has created a unique journey to discover Arlington’s watersheds.
Residents can explore interactive maps, educational videos, and graphs to learn about Arlington’s water quality. Each watershed has its own interactive map allowing visitors to learn about the unique features of Arlington’s ten (10) watersheds. Residents will also find information on impacted waterways and ways they can participate in community science monitoring and remediation projects. The public is invited to explore The Way of Water StoryMap and explore ways to support to the City’s water quality protection efforts below.