Planning and Development Services' Long Range Planning is responsible for the visioning and implementation processes for the City's land development studies, assessments, programs, and policies. Specific responsibilities include policy updates and reports, land use analyses, public engagement initiatives, and local and citywide comprehensive plans.

Current Projects

Comprehensive Plan

The City of Arlington will be hosting a series of Comprehensive Plan Workshops across the city throughout March and into the beginning of April 2025. All workshops will include Spanish and Vietnamese translators. 

Update: Southeast Library Workshop has been moved from 03/27/2025 to 04/01/2025.

Please view the map for locations, dates, and times.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Long Range Planning team

Form-Based Code

Be sure to take the Form-Based Code community survey by using the link. For detailed information regarding the Form-Based Code study, please visit

Development Profiles

Development Profiles provide annual and quarterly statistics for Arlington at a quick glance. The Annual Development Profile is an analysis of housing, construction, zoning, platting, and land use trends in a calendar year. The Quarterly Development Profile highlights basic development statistics, including new housing units and other permits.

Due to the pandemic, an Annual Development Profile was not created for FY 2019. However, the Quarterly Development Profiles for FY 2019 were created. 

Explore the boundaries of the City’s Small Area, Strategic, and Neighborhood Plans through the link below:

Contact Information

John Chapman, AICP, CNU-A 
Long Range Planning Manager
[email protected]