California Lane

  • Project typeDrainage
  • Project schedulePhase 1 Construction began in April 2023 and is anticipated to be complete by June 2025.
  • Contractor nameWoody Contractors, Inc.
  • Completion DateJune 30, 2025

This project focuses on improving the existing drainage systems to mitigate flooding in the general area of California Lane from Canongate Drive to Westchester Drive and from Mayfield Road to Arkansas Lane. Improvements also consist of water and sanitary sewer renewals, full width street repairs with partial curb and gutter repair within the project limits. California Lane Park improvements will include an extended concrete trail, additional amenities, and expansion of the existing detention and retention ponds in California Lane Park.

Project Updates

Phase 1 Construction began in April 2023 and is anticipated to be complete by June 2025.

The following work has been completed:

  • California Lane Park is open to the public as of February 2024
  • New Water Main on Duther Drive, Devonshire Drive, Avonhill Drive, Canongate Drive and California Lane
  • New Sanitary Sewer Main on Duther Drive, Devonshire Drive, Avonhill Drive, Canongate Drive and California Lane
  • New Storm Drain on Duther Drive, Devonshire Drive, Avonhill Drive, Canongate Drive and California Lane
  • New Street Pavement on Duther Drive, Devonshire Drive, Avonhill Drive, Canongate Drive and California Lane
  • Improvements are in Progress at Westchester Drive, and Norfolk Drive

In the next month Water Main improvements will commence within the project limits on Fox Hill Drive.

The California Lane Drainage Improvements Phase 2 Design will begin early next year and will include additional improvements in California Lane, Parkchester Drive, Westyork Drive, Wolff Drive, Sibley Drive, Lucas Drive, and Homewood Trail.

These improvements will consist primarily of replacing undersized storm drains to mitigate flooding in 12 homes and prevent encroachment of flood waters on 68 lots. This will be the final phase of the California Lane Drainage Improvements project. Phase 2 construction is anticipated to begin in 2026.

A public meeting to learn more about this project was held on Monday, April 17, 2023, at the George W. Hawkes Downtown Library located at 100 South Center Street, Arlington, Texas 76010.

There was a short presentation given by City Staff followed by an opportunity to ask questions.

View the Meeting Presentation(PDF, 4MB)


Frequently Asked Questions

Why is this project being done?

A study of the project area was performed after the repetitive flooding in 2018 showing that 52 homes in the area had a high risk of flooding. The City also has records of over 19 homes in the study area that have reported flooding in the past.

Will any work be performed on my property?

Some aspects of this project will require performing work within easements on private property. In situations where there was not previously an easement, the City has worked with affected property owners to acquire the necessary easements in advance of construction.

Will my home be accessible during construction?

The contractor will always provide as much access to your street and driveway as possible; however, at times it may be necessary to temporarily close a portion of the street. You will be notified in advance of driveway closure. Although access may be limited, if emergencies arise, the contractor will work with you to the best of their ability to grant you access to your driveway.

Will I still have water service during construction?

Yes. You will continue to have water service during construction; however, there may be times the water may be temporarily shut off for a couple of hours during the day. You will be notified of any planned interruptions.

Will I still receive trash and mail services?

Yes. Your neighborhood’s regularly scheduled trash and recycling pickup days will continue as normal. Your mail and packages will be delivered as normal.