Landscape regulations serve to safeguard and enhance property values while protecting public and private investment. The regulations encourage the preservation of the existing natural environment to aid in the stabilization of the environment's ecological balance whenever possible, and require property owners to provide landscape amenities, setbacks, and screening that promote a positive image reflecting order, harmony, and pride for new development and existing properties in the city.
A critical component of these regulations is the preservation of trees in Arlington that serve to clean the air, provide shade, reduce the amount of soil runoff due to erosion, and beautify the environment. The results of this effort will be a strengthening of the economic stability of Arlington's business, cultural, and residential areas.
Required standards for commercial property landscape design, development, and maintenance in the Unified Development Code are established to ensure properties are safe and visually pleasing to the community.
All multi-family and non-residential development shall provide a perimeter landscape setback area along the entire right-of-way adjacent to any public street right-of-way. (Not applicable to DB, DNO, or LCMUO overlay districts.)
Unified Development Code Information Bulletin with Approved Plant Lists(PDF, 150KB)
Landscape Setback, UDC Article 5, Section 5.2.2.B(PDF, 17MB)
A setback adjacent to a public street in which landscaping is required as measured from the street right-of-way line for local streets, or as measured from the right-of-way as required on the adopted Thoroughfare Development Plan for collector or arterial streets.
Required Landscape Setback Standards, Table 5.2-1 (pg. 127)
Applicability, UDC, Section 5.2.2.E.1-4 (pg. 130)
Non-residential and Mixed-Use Development: Tree Preservation Requirements, UDC, Section 5.2.3.A.1-5 (pg. 134)
Please contact Luis Morales at 817-459-5343, or email
Landscaping - Good example
Commercial landscaping - Good example
Commercial landscaping - Violation example