Top 10 Issues Reported Through City's Free Ask Arlington App
By Susan Schrock, Office of Communication
Posted on January 23, 2020, January 23, 2020

The City of Arlington, working together with its residents, has addressed more than 64,000 concerns, ranging from overgrown and debris-filled lawns to dilapidated fences, since launching the free Ask Arlington app three years ago.

The app, available for Android and Apple devices and on the City's website, allows users to report common code complaints to the City of Arlington or request services, such as help locating a water or sewer line. The Ask Arlington app is designed to be a convenient alternative to the Action Center hotline, 817-459-6777, which receives more than 342,000 phone calls a year.

Since January 2017, more than 13,236 people have downloaded the Ask Arlington app. Last year, nearly 25,000 requests were made. The top 10 reported issues and requests in 2019 were:

1. Overgrown Weeds and Grass
2. Locate a Water or Sewer Line
3. Unkempt Property
4. Nuisance Vehicle
5. Abandoned Vehicle on the Street
6. Streetlight Burned Out
7. Loose Animal
8. Barking Dog
9. Parking in the Yard
10. Pothole

Users can upload photos and videos to provide City departments with more information about the issue they are reporting. The Ask Arlington app also allows users to track the real-time progress of how their complaint is being handled, such as whether a notice of violation was issued.

Top 10 Issues Reported Through City's Free Ask Arlington App

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News, Government, Animal Services, Water Utilities, Code Compliance