Block Party Trailer Latest Example of How City Working to Champion Great Neighborhoods
By Office of Communication
Posted on September 05, 2023, September 05, 2023

The City of Arlington first launched the Block Party Trailer in 2016. Since then, there have been 208 block parties hosted by 121 different neighborhoods, 87 of which have used the Block Party Trailer. The trailer is available for free to neighborhood groups, contains picnic tables, folding tables, chairs, water coolers, ice chests, trash and recycling cans, games, street barricades, cones, and more. The goal of the Block Party Trailer is to advance community engagement goals in The American Dream City by providing a fun way for neighbors to get together.

The Office of Strategic Initiatives is hosting a drawing for one lucky neighborhood to win the Block Party Trailer for its National Night Out party this October.

You can read more about the drawing and learn how to participate in the latest edition of the Champion Great Neighborhoods newsletter. All quarterly City Council priority newsletters are produced in a digital format, allowing for layers of additional video content and important links.

Other updates include information on the City’s Tool Sharing Program and the Rotary Club of Arlington’s dedication of a new public art piece in Downtown Arlington.

In this edition:

  • Enter to Win Arlington’s Block Party Trailer For Your 2023 National Night Out Party
  • City’s Tool Sharing Program Aims To Help Arlington Residents Champion Great Neighborhoods
  • $150,000 Available Through Arlington’s 2024 Neighborhood Matching Grant Program
  • Rotary Club Of Arlington, Celebrating Centennial Of Service, Dedicates New Public Art In Downtown Arlington
  • Champion Great Neighborhoods - Scorecard Metrics

Champion Great Neighborhoods

Champion Great Neighborhoods
News, Government, City Council