The function of the Building Code Board of Appeals is to hear appeals of the Building Official or Fire Marshall’s Interpretation Decision of the building codes, or to make a determination of alternate materials and/or methods of construction.
On August 22, 2023, the City Council voted to approve the transfer of responsibilities of the Electrical Board and the Mechanical and Plumbing Board of Appeals to the Building Code Board of Appeals, thereby creating a single board. This board will now consist of nine regular members and four alternate members with areas of expertise as follows:
- one architect, general contractor, or engineer
- one person with experience in the area of fire protection or fire safety
- one master electrician or a representative of an electric utility company
- one mechanical contractor;
- one master plumber or responsible master plumber
- four persons from the the building industry.
- The four alternate members shall be from the building industry and serve in the absence of one or more regular members.
Notice of Possible Quorum
Public Notice & Current Agenda