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The Arlington City Council adopted a new priority in 2021 for FY22: Build Unity. As one of the most racially and ethnically diverse cities in the nation, Arlington strives to address inequalities and bridge divides so all residents might one day have the confidence, skills and opportunities to make their American dreams come true.
The Arlington City Council has determined that “Champion Great Neighborhoods” is a priority for the work of our City. Great neighborhoods contribute to a higher quality of life and greater investment in our economy. Every part of our corporation contributes to our overall success and vitality as we make Arlington a great place to live, work, learn, and play. Read more
“Enhance Regional Mobility” is a priority of the Arlington City Council. Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of Arlington’s transportation connections within and beyond our borders is critical because of our central location within the region. Our community is at the crossroads. As the regional and statewide conversation to increase mobility continues, Arlington faces an important decision to determine its place in the future of this system. Read more
The Arlington City Council has identified “Invest in Our Economy” as a vital component of the effort to ensure that our community continues to thrive. As Arlington strengthens its position as a key city in the North Texas region, we will develop a systematic approach that directs our future, addresses current and prospective challenges, and positions us to capitalize on opportunities as they develop. Read more
The Arlington City Council has identified “Leverage Technology” as a priority. Technology touches all parts of the city life - our organization, residents and businesses. It is also integral in achieving the City’s other four priorities including investing in our economy, supporting quality education, enhancing regional mobility and championing great neighborhoods. Read more
The Arlington City Council supports youth and families as essential building blocks for the future of our American Dream City. A successful community requires a variety of support systems and an environment that enables our residents to flourish and grow. Our public and private educational institutions of all levels provide essential elements of this formula, and the City of Arlington will continue to support their efforts in collaborative ways. Read more