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Acquired to preserve an undisturbed part of the Blackland Prairie, this park is the last remnant in the metroplex of this type of tall-grass prairie land that once dominated the region.
Sometimes a park is more about what it isn’t than what it is. Blackland Prairie Park doesn’t have playgrounds or baseball fields or a pool or even a pavilion, and that’s perfect for those who visit it. It was acquired by the city to preserve an undisturbed part of the Blackland Prairie, a tall-grass prairie land that once dominated the region. Early settlers were drawn to it because of the productive soils and gentle topography. But while urban expansion has driven out much of the wildlife that used to heavily populate these prairie lands, some examples of these animals, which include small game animals and songbirds, still thrive here.
4907 New York Ave., Arlington, TX 76018 View Map
4907 New York Ave. , Arlington, TX 76018
Blackland Prairie